Updated SSR
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Course Outcome
# Subject Code Subject Course Outcomes
1 3EC1A Electronics Devices & circuits
  • CO1: Analyzing diode and its applications in rectifier, regulator, multipliers etc.
  • CO2: Evaluating characteristics and applications of BJT and FET.
  • CO3: Understanding differential amplifier and its applications.
2 3EC2A Data Structures & Algorithms
  • CO1: Understanding data arranging techniques in linear and non linear data structures and analyzing their complexity.
  • CO2: Evaluating searching and sorting algorithms and other operations on data structures,
  • CO3: Applying the data structure that efficiently models the information in a problem
3 3EC3A Digital Electronics
  • CO1: Understanding Boolean algebra, conversions and minimization techniques.
  • CO2: Creating various combinational and sequential circuits
  • CO3: Understanding different logic families
  • CO4: Creating of circuits using different minimization techniques.
4 3EC4A Circuit Analysis & Synthesis
  • CO1: Understanding various theorems and its applications in complex networks.
  • CO2: Evaluating the stability of systems by various techniques.
  • CO3: Understanding and creating circuits using network functions.
  • CO4: Understanding resonance conditions in different circuits.
5 3EC5A Electromagnetic Properties of Materials
  • CO1: Understanding the fabrication and applications of various types of materials i.e. magnetic, semiconductor, superconductive and nano materials.
  • CO2: Understanding the applications of sensor materials..
6 3EC6A Advanced Engineering Mathematics-1
  • CO1: Applying Laplace, Fourier, and Z Transform solve differential equations with boundary conditions.
  • CO2: Differentiate and Integrate complex function, Contour Integration and Integrals using residues.
  • CO3: Solving circuit differential equations by the help of Laplace transforms.
7 3EC7A Electronic Instrumentation Workshop
  • CO1: Analysing various electronic components.
  • CO2: Evaluating characteristics of various opto-electronic devices.
  • CO3: Creating circuit on PCB.
8 3EC8A Computer Programming Lab-I
  • CO1: Applying various techniques on linear/non linear data structures to solve various computing problems.
  • CO2: Analyzing recursive/non recursive functions to perform various operations on data structures.
  • CO3: Creating a suitable data structure and algorithm to solve a real world problem
9 3EC9A Electronics Device Lab
  • CO1: Understanding devices like multimeter, generator, CRO etc.
  • CO2: Creating the characteristic graph of various diodes, amplifiers, filters and rectifiers.
  • CO3: Analysing the behaviour of differential amplifier.
10 3EC10A Digital Electronics Lab
  • CO1: Evaluating truth table of basic gates.
  • CO2: Analyzing and designing various combinational and sequential circuits.
  • CO3: Creating small projects.
11 3EC11A Business Entrepreneurship
  • CO1: Understand the fundamentals of entrepreneurship and distinct entrepreneurial traits.
  • CO2: Analyse the parameters to assess the opportunity and design strategies for successful entrepreneur.
  • CO3: Understand government policies and Demonstrate the components like sales tax, VAT etc.
12 4EC1A Analog Electronics
  • CO1: Understanding concept of feedback and its application in oscillators and amplifiers.
  • CO2: Analyzing circuits using equivalent models.
  • CO3: Understanding the concepts of Schmitt trigger and 555 timer.
13 4EC2A Random Variables and Stochastic Processes
  • CO1: Understand the concept of Probability, Random Variables and apply the conditions of various Probability Distributions on Research related problems.
  • CO2: Understand the concept of multiple random variable and Central limit theorem.
  • CO3: Understand the concept of Stochastic Process and its applications in Electronics Communication System.
14 4EC3A Electronic Measurement and Instrumentation
  • CO1: Understanding the construction , errors and working of electronic instruments i.e. CRO, generators, transducers etc.
  • CO2: Generating and analyzing the frequency components of a wave and its distortion
  • CO3: Understanding different types of AC bridges (i.e.Maxwell inductance, Anderson bridge) and measurement of inductance, capacitance and frequency.
15 4EC4A Electromagnetic Field Theory
  • CO1: Remembering about coordinate systems and its conversion.
  • CO2: Evaluating electric and magnetic field of different charge and current configurations.
  • CO3- Analyzing about nature of waves.
  • CO4- Understanding the basic concepts of antennas and its types
16 4EC5A Optimization Techniques
  • CO1: Understanding the problems of optimization, its formulation and LPP with certain techniques.
  • CO2: Analyzing the concept of optimal solutions of Nonlinear programming problems.
  • CO3: Analyzing certain techniques that will help students to solve problems of electronics engineering with reference to optimization.
17 4EC6A Advanced Engineering Mathematics-II
  • CO1.Evaluating numerical methods for interpolation, numerical differentiation and integration for differential equations
  • CO2. Understanding recurrence relation, generating function, simple properties of Bessel’s and Legendre’s functions and students can solve simple variational problems using Euler’s equation.
  • CO3. Understanding the concept of probability distribution for discrete and continuous random variables.
  • CO4. Analyzing the problems of electronics engineering with the help of such functions.
18 4EC7A Computer Programming Lab-II
  • CO1: Understand and applying Object oriented features and C++ concepts.
  • CO2: Analyzing the concept of polymorphism and inheritance.
19 4EC8A Analog Electronics Lab
  • CO1: Creating the characteristic graph of various amplifiers, oscillators and filters.
  • CO2: Analysing the behaviour and applications of op-amp
20 4EC9A Measurement and Instrumentation Lab
  • CO1: Analyzing the characteristics of various transducers and measuring instruments.
  • CO2: Understanding the concept of earthing and grounding with applications.
21 4EC10A Humanities and Social Sciences
  • CO1: Understanding history of Indian constitution and society problems.
  • CO2: Analyzing Indian economy.
  • CO3: Analyzing the architecture of Indian history.
22 5EC1A Signals & Systems
  • CO1: Understanding basic signals and their properties
  • CO2: Evaluating periodic and non periodic signals in Fourier, Laplace and Z-transform.
  • CO3: Understanding the concept of sampling and its applications.
  • CO4: Understanding the concept of decimation and interpolation
23 5EC2B Linear Integrated Circuits
  • CO1: Understanding Operational amplifier and its applications like oscillators, convertors, filters etc.
  • CO2: Analyzing 555 timer and PLL.
  • CO3: Applying its application in convertors i.e. D/A to A/D.
24 5EC3A Telecommunication Engg.
  • CO1: Understanding transmission line and its applications.
  • CO2: Analyzing different medium for transmission of signals.
  • CO3: Understanding mobile communication
25 5EC4A Analog Communication
  • CO1: Analyze how information is put on electronic systems for storage and delivery through detailed understanding of AM, FM and PM.
  • CO2: Understanding and analyzing the noise performance
  • CO3: Analyzing the application of modulation in mobile communication.
26 5EC5A Microwave Engg–I
  • CO1: Analyzing the concept of transmission lines used at GHz frequency range
  • CO2: Evaluating various parameters for microwave based devices.
  • CO3: Understanding Radar based devices used at microwave devices.
27 5EC6.1A Biomedical Instrumentation
  • CO1: Analyzing human body sub-systems i.e. respiratory, nervous etc and their diagnosis and therapy.
  • CO2: Understanding transducers, electrodes, safety measures and various diagnostic equipments for bio potentials i.e. EEG, ECG, ESR etc.
  • CO3: laparoscope and body temperature.
28 5EC7A Electronic Engineering Design Lab
  • CO1: Analyzing op-amp and its applications i.e. scalar, differentiator, filters, oscillators etc.
  • CO2: Creating circuits on PSpice.
29 5EC8A Microwave Engineering Lab
  • CO1: Analyzing the characteristics of microwave devices i.e. gunn diode, magic tee etc.
  • CO2: Analyzing printed antenna input characteristics.
30 5EC9A Communication Lab-I
  • CO1: Creating transmitted and received waveforms of AM, FM.
  • CO2: Creating transmitted and received waveforms of PAM, PPM.
31 5EC10A Signal Processing Lab
  • CO1: Creating and analyzing elementary signals i.e. unit step, ramp etc.
  • CO2: Analyze the concepts to simulate the Fourier series,Fourier transform and Laplace transform.
  • CO3: Generating random sequences with arbitrary distributions.
32 5EC11A : Professional Ethics and Disaster Management
  • CO1:Understanding the concepts of social and professional values
  • CO2: Analyzing the importance of engineering.
  • CO3: Evaluating the effect of disasters.
33 6EC1A Microwave Engg.-II
  • CO1: Analyzing the operation and characteristics of microwave diodes.
  • CO2: Analyzing klystrons, magnetrons etc. for microwave generation and amplification
  • CO3: Understanding applications of smart antenna.
34 6EC2A Microprocessors
  • CO1: Implementing real time problems using assembly language.
  • CO2: Analyzing applications of embedded systems.
35 6EC3A Industrial Electronics
  • CO1: Understanding different semiconductor power devices and their applications
  • CO2: Analyzing various techniques to control the speed of motors
  • CO3: Analyzing mitigation factors for parameters affecting the performance of power systems
36 6EC4A Digital Communication
  • CO1: Analyzing analog to digital Conversion Techniques and Line Coding like PCM,DM,ADM and Manchester, AMI.
  • CO2: Evaluating different digital modulation techniques like ASK,BPSK, QPSK and Information theory,error detection and correction Techniques.
  • CO3: Application of digital communication i.e. CDMA
37 6EC5A Control Systems
  • CO1: Understanding the analogy between electromechanical systems.
  • CO2: Evaluating system stability by following methods i.e. Routh Hurwitz, Root Locus, Nyquist, Bode etc.
  • CO3: Analyzing different system in time domain and state variable model
38 6EC6.3A Optical Fiber Communication
  • CO1: Understanding optical fibre technology for sophisticated modern telecommunication systems.
  • CO2: Analyzing fundamental behavior and operation of the individual components, their interactions with other devices in an optical fiber link.
  • CO3: Understanding photonic based devices.
39 6EC7A Communication Lab-II
  • CO1: Creating transmitted and received waveforms of TDM, PAM, TDM-PCM.
  • CO2: Creating digitally modulated and demodulated waveforms of ASK, PSK
  • CO3: Analyzing optical fibre communication
40 6EC8A Microprocessor Lab
  • CO1: Creating assembly language programs for real time problems.
  • CO2: Understanding coding and interfacing of microcontroller.
41 6EC9A RF Simulation Lab
  • CO1: Evaluating the parameters of microwave based devices using HFSS
  • CO2: Creating simple microstrip patch antenna design.
42 6EC10A Industrial Electronics Lab
  • CO1: Evaluate the characteristics of different Semiconductor Power devices i.e. SCR, DIAC, TRIAC etc.
  • CO2: Analyze different power electronic convertors, choppers and motor drivers.
43 6EC11A Personality Development & General Aptitude
  • CO1: Understanding principles, processes and practices of human resource management.
  • CO2: Applying HR concepts and techniques in strategic planning to improve organizational performance.
44 7EC1A Antenna and Wave Propagation
  • CO1: Understanding the basic skills required for designing a wide variety of practical antennas and antenna arrays.
  • CO2: Analyzing the propagation of the wave in different atmospheric medium, ionosphere,troposphere propagation
  • CO3: Creating and analyzing the defects introduced in the structures.
45 7EC2A Digital Signal Processing
  • CO1: Analyzing of filters i.e. FIR, IIR
  • CO2: Use of transforms in signal analysis, characterization and manipulation
  • CO3: Understanding adaptive signal processing and auto cross correlation
46 7EC3A Digital Image Processing
  • CO1: Analyze image, its operation and filtering.
  • CO2: Evaluation of image through morphological and image compression.
  • CO3: Understanding of image recognization using biometric and stegnography.
47 7EC4A Wireless Communication
  • CO1: Understanding mobile radio propagation, fading, diversity concepts and the channel modeling.
  • CO2: Analyzing wireless communication systems with key 3G (e.g., CDMA) and 4G (OFDM) technologies
  • CO3: Understanding satellite communication
  • CO4: Understanding adhoc networks
48 7EC5A VLSI Design
  • CO1: Understanding modes, types, characteristics and fabrication of MOS
  • CO2: Creating combinational and sequential digital circuits and layouts using CMOS technology.
  • CO3: Understanding CMOS Design rules via advanced Tanner Tools.
49 7EC6.3A VHDL CO1: Understanding the design flow of different integrated circuits. CO2: Understanding the fundamentals, advantages of VHDL and writing code for combinational and sequential circuits.
50 7EC7A Signal & Image Processing Lab
  • CO1: Implementing various DSP Algorithms using MATLAB Software package.
  • CO2: Analyzing and observing magnitude and phase characteristics (Frequency response Characteristics) of digital FIR, IIR Butterworth and Chebyshev filters.
51 7EC8A Wireless Communication Lab
  • CO1: Evaluate antenna return loss, gain, radiation characteristics, and polarization.
  • CO2: Understanding and analyzing RADAR, satellite,CDMA-DSSS, and GPS trainer.
52 7EC9A Practical Training & Industrial Visit
  • CO1: Applying the applications of electronics and communication engineering concepts and principles learned in classroom.
  • CO2: Analyzing awareness of the engineering and technological aspects in the electronics and communication industries.
  • CO3: Improving interpersonal skill by communicating directly with industrial personnel.
  • CO4: Analyzing the roles and ethics of engineers in related industries.
  • CO5: Analyzing the impact of industrial processes on health, safety, environment and society.
53 8EC1A IC Technology
  • CO1: Understanding crystal, its defects, operation and different techniques to make it high quality.
  • CO2: Analyzing applications of MOS IC technology.
  • CO3: Understanding crystal structure and novel devices
54 8EC2A Radar and TV Technology
  • CO1: Understanding the characteristics and applications of radar.
  • CO2: Analyzing the architecture and features of television.
  • CO3: Understanding the real life applications of RADAR systems.
55 8EC3A MEMS and Nanotechnology
  • CO1: Analyzing the characteristics, fabrication and patterning techniques of nanotechnology.
  • CO2: Understanding nano electronics and changes in their properties and applications i.e. electrical, magnetic, mechanical and optical.
  • CO3: Understanding sensors like pressure, nano etc.
56 8EC4.3A Microcontroller and Embedded Systems
  • CO1: Implementing real time problems using assembly language.
  • CO2: Analyzing hardware interfacing of microcontroller with LED’s, sensors.
  • CO3: Understanding the functioning of PIC and ARM microcontroller
57 8EC5A RF Fabrication Lab
  • CO1: Implement planar transmission line, couplers and filters.
  • CO2: Analyze methods to determine circuit properties of microwave devices.
58 8EC6 Industrial Economics and Management
  • CO1: Understand the role of economic principles in the organisational structure and how to sketch the cash flow diagram, as applied to engineering firms
  • CO2: Analyse and evaluate the various new industrial policies to calculate common capital appraisal techniques.
  • CO3: Evaluate and implement functions of management with emerging managerial tools to be a successful entrepreneur.
59 8EC7A VLSI Design and Optical Fiber Lab
  • CO1: Creating and simulating various combinational and sequential circuits.
  • CO2: Evaluating propagation losses in optical fiber.
  • CO3: Evaluating characteristics of optical sources i.e. LED, LASER
60 8EC8A Project
  • CO1: Understand and review the available literature on the chosen problem
  • CO2: Apply the methodology to solve the identified problem
  • CO3: Analyze the principles and tools for the problem.
  • CO4: Create the technique to solve the problem.
  • CO5: Prepare and present project report
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